Incorporation means the formation of a new company. The corporation may include a company, a business, a start-up, a non-profit organization, a micro, small or medium enterprise. MCA governs the corporate affairs in India under the Companies Act. 1956, 2013 and other related Acts, Rules, and Bills. MCA also offers many services to the company owners.
The Ministry is mostly concerned with the regulation of Companies Act,2013. It is also involved in the Companies Act, 1956, and Limited liability Act, 2008. A public limited company is a separate legal body. This type of company has limited liabilities and shares them openly. A public limited company has no restrictions for the number of shareholders and ower to transfer shares-the shares of a public company are freely transferable. a public limited company can transfer shares to public and raising funds from the public.
Given below is the extensive list of documents needed at the time of company registration: